Thanks for another action packed class. We went over a lot of information. Please take the time to learn the functions of your camera. Learning your camera is like learning a new car. You can't drive without knowing where everything is. To get the feel of your camera try shooting pictures on automatic of something you are itereste din.
Kim Avila
1/12/2011 09:19:49 pm

Since I have no classes today and tomorrow. I plan on playing around with my camera. I know of some really neat places in Utah county that I have not been to for several year. I am going to go there and see what pictures I can get.

Jenny Smith
1/13/2011 12:35:06 am

I didn't even know my camera had some of those functions and I have had this camera for a year lol...I already am loving this class!!!

Steffi Powers
1/13/2011 02:33:10 am

Thank you for your patience with us as we learn about our different camera's and how to use them. I look forward to taking some pictures and to class next wed.

1/13/2011 05:28:03 am

Learning the anatomy of all the camera's was overwhelming. However im sure I will become more acquainted with their use and operation. I also had no idea that the older camera's were still in use today. With everything being digital its pretty neat to know their still around.

Creed Naylor
1/17/2011 10:29:48 am

Who knew cameras could do so many amazing things! Its funny how I use to think taking pictures was easy, you just point and shoot. This is going to be a great class with information that I will use for the rest of my life. Thanks Susan

Jimmie Breedlove
1/18/2011 11:11:11 am

Hey I got a freakin camera YEAH!!!!! Canon Rebel XS

Katelynd Rupe
1/19/2011 08:09:52 am

It was so interesting to learn the actually functions of my camera. I was super overwhelmed just to look at it but when we went step by step it really helped me to understand!


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